Viratpat Darshan is one of the four subjects (Viz. Tartam Sagar, Vitak, Viratpat Darshan and Charchani) which constitute the course of study of the Pranami Dharma. It can be considered as the Jewel of Spiritual knowledge. It will not be an exaggeration to call it the Essence of the Spiritual Strength of great spiritual giants, the gift of Tartamya knowledge, and the splendour of inspiration-filled thoughts of Para Brahma. Although it is not the inherited-property of any particular Sampraday and is the secret-milking of the essence of Self-experience, and the knowledge of the Vedas-Upanishads-Puranas, Para Vidya and Brahma Vidya; yet, its complete enquiry has been done through Tartamya knowledge,. Hence, it finds its place among the books presented by Shriman Nijanand Acharya to reveal the manifestation of Tartam in front of society in general.
The circular form shown uppermost in the chart, is that of Poornabrahma Parmatma's Eternal, Undivided Paramdham. In the scriptures this has been called as Brahmadham, Divine Brahmapur Dham, Aksharatit Dham, etc.
Poorna Brahma Paramatma Shri Rajji, is the Sacchidanand Divine non-dual Chidghan-form. HE performs His Blissful Eternal Lila along with His Brahmatmas in the Divine Paramdham. Shri Shyamaji, the Brahmatmas and 25-winged Paramdham manifest out of HIS Bliss-portion. Akshar Brahma is out of His Sat-portion which is His child-nature, i.e. is considered as His child-form. Shri Shyamaji, the Brahmatmas, Dham-Paramdham, Akshar Brahma, are all the limb-forms of Poorna Brahma Himself. Although depicted as separate in the field of Lila, they are not separate from Poorna Brahma. That is why, Poorna Brahma Paramatma has been called 'SvaLila Advait' along with His Eternal Lila.
Through his playful-surata the child-form Akshar Brahma creates numerous Universes within a fraction of a second; and in the same way dissolves those Universes also. This entire Universe has emerged out of Akshar only.
'Nainake Paav Palmen Isarat, Kai Koti Brahmanda upajat Khapat'.
Poorna Brahma Paramatma sent His Brahmatmas into the Akshar-created creation (perishable drama) in a Surata-form, in order to make them realise
In the Chart, Yamunaji, the location of Poorna Brahma Paramatma's Blissful sport arena, has been shown in front of Rang Mahal (Colorful Mansion). In front towards the East there is Akshardham.
When Aksharbrahma (playfully) visualises to create the Universes, - in order to picturise his inner state, Aksharbrahma has been shown in the Virat-form below the circle in the chart. His mind, intellect, chitta and Ego have an immortal form. He is considerd as a four-fold power. His mind is 'Satswaroop'; intellect is 'Keval Brahma' (in which Paramdham's Blissful Lila is reflected); chitta is 'Sabalik Brahma' and Ego is 'Avyakrit Brahma'. Avyakrit is also called the 4th quarter. It is through this Avyakrit that the universes are created; just as the mind visualises, intellect resolves, chitta contemplates and Ego transforms into action. Aksharbrahma's four-fold powers are described in the forth coming pages.
As soon as Aksharbrahma imagines of creating Universes, his mind gleams forth with pleasure; the pervasiveness of his chitta knows no bounds ! The amplification of his imagination is called as 'Delusory-waters' (Mohajal) by the Scriptures. It is in this Mohajal that Aksharbrahma's imagination floated in the form of a golden-egg for thousands of years. During the course of time, when it hatched, a Divine personage manifested from it. There was water and nothing but water all around him. By virtue of his abode being in water itself, he got baptised as 'Narayan', (Nar=water, Ayan=abode). He found himself to be alone, and fantasied that, "I am one' May I become many !" - with this
In the chart, the bottom porton is shown in an Oval (egg) shape. This is called as 'Universe' (Brahmanda). This is the Gross-body of Bhagavan Narayan. there are 14 worlds within it. Covering these 14 worlds there are Eight Sheaths. In the 'Gita' these coverings (sheaths) are called as 'Bhinna Prakriti' also. At the bottom most portion of the 14 worlds, there is the 'ocean of womb-water' (garbhodak ocean). Sheshasai Narayan, who is bearing the entire burden of the Universe, reclines here. The expanse of even this one Universe, is unmeasurable. Aksharbrahma creates and dissolves countless such Universes in a fraction of a second !
Now let us go thorugh the chart sequentially from bottom (Patal) to top (Paramdham).
1. Patal: At the bottom most of this Universe consisting of 14 worlds, is Patal. In this also, in its bottom portion there is an extensive layer of a portion of the Delusory waters. Because it is in the womb of the Universe, it is also called 'Ocean of womb-water' (garbhodak ocean). (The Delusory water is also called Delusory Ocean, in which Hiranyagarbha Maha Vishnu is born. A fractional part of the same Delusory water is called as this garbhodak ocean).
The expanse of the garbohodak ocean is very big. Scriptures say that there is a huge tortoise in this ocean, on whose back Shesh Nag is seated in the form of a Lotus. Using him as a couch, Mahavishnu's disposition (or Ego) form named Sankarshan, reclines as Sheshanarayan. He is carrying the entire 14 worlds like a mustard seed. A lotus-stalk has emerged from his navel region. Out of that lotus, the trinity, Brahmaji, Bhagavan Vishnu, and Bhagavan Shankar were born, It is out of this very Bhagavan Narayan's Soùham Soùham breath that the 4 Vedas manifested in a gross form.
Thirty thousand yojanas above Shesh Narayan, there is the habitation of Serpents. There is light of precious stones here. The 84 pits of Hell have also been accepted as being here.
Among the 7 Patals below, in two (Patal and Mahatal) there is the habitation of Serpents and in the other 5 Patals (Atal, Vital, Sutal, Talatal and Rasatal), there is the habitation of Demons.
2. Above these 7 Patals there are Seven worlds; among them the first world is called Bhooloka. It is also called as Mrityuloka. By virtue of being an Activity-prominent region, the jivas attain the higher or lower worlds in accordance with the merits earned here.
3. Sequentially above the Bhooloka are: the Bhuvarloka (world of manes), Svargaloka (residence of Gods and goddesses), Maharloka (the court of Justice of Dharmaraj), Janaloka (the region of Sanakadi and other Rishis such as Bhrigu, Angira, etc.), Tapaloka (the location of Tapasvis.)
4. Satya Loka: is called the residence of the Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Here there is Brahmapuri of Brahmaji, Kailash of Bhagavan Shankar, and in the middle Vaikuntha Dham of Bhagavan Vishnu. As the reward of the Bhakti or Sadhana done in Mrityuloka, jivas attain four kinds of liberation here (Salokya, Sameepya, Saroopya and Sayujya).
5. The Eight Coverings (Ashtavaran): (inside to outside sequentially)
The aforesaid 14 worlds are enveloped by 8 kinds of coverings. These have been called as the Lower-nature (Apara Prakriti) of Bhagavan. They are ten-ten times longer and broader than one another sequentially. The 8 coverings are as follows - Earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect and Ego.
Earth: Enveloping the 14 worlds beginning with Sheshasayee Narayan in Patal upto Satloka, there is the 50 crore yojanas expansive Earth Covering. Its qualities are sound, touch, form, taste and smell. It is deemed to be yellow in color, and Brahmaji is its Deity.
Water: The water covering is considered to be ten times more expansive and above the Earth. Sound, touch, form and taste are its qualities. White is its color and Vishnu its Deity.
Fire: Above water and ten times more expansive is the Fire Covering. Red in color, its Deity is Shiva. Sound, touch, and form are deemed to be its three qualities.
Air: Above Fire and ten times more expansive is the Air Covering. Sound and touch are its two qualities. Green is its color, and Deity is Easwar.
Space: Above Air and ten times more expansive is the Space Covering. Sound is its only quality. Blue in color, its Deity is deemed as Sadashiv.
Mind: (Tamas Ahankar) - Above Space and ten times more expansive is the Mind Covering. There are countless colors and endless Lilas in this. Outwardly although the light of numerous Suns is evident, yet, from inside there is cimmerian darkness in it. It has many names such as Icchha Shakti, Mahaghor, Taamas, Ajnanroop, etc. Many people consider it as the Lord and worship it also.
Intellect (Raajas Ahankar):
Above the mind, and ten times more expansive is the Intellect form Raajas-Ego's covering. It is the storage-region of the Intellect. Many people consider it to be Brahman and worship it.There are countless Lilas of Maya in it.
Ego/Ahankar (Sattvik Ahankar):
Above the Intellect, ten times more expansive is this covering and is holding Pure Sattva qualities in it. Many subtle scenes are evident within it. Yogis actually visualise these also. That is why many people deem it as the Lord also !
6. Jyoti-swaroop and Gayatri:
This Jyoti-Swaroop is in Mahavishnu's Gross Waking state. In the scriptures it has been mentioned as Shabdabrahma, Pranavakshar, Shiv, Mrityunjay, Jyotiswaroop, Omityekaksharambrahma, Vyapak Brahma, Jiv Swaroop, Mahapurush, Ghat-Ghat vasi Ram, etc. It is called the Microcosmic Jyoti-swaroop. It is Pure Ego and the basis for Virat; and it is the junction (or knot) betwen Inertness and consciousness. It has five main powers. It is from it only that the 3 qualities Sat, Rajas and Tamas are born. Because she has control over the consciousnes existing in the hearts of the jivas of the world, she is also called the Lord (although in reality, Mahavishnu Narayan is called Easwar).
Omkar is itself the form of Pranav. Vishnu from A-kar; Brahma from U-kar; Shiva from M-kar; the entire Virat along with the Eight-coverings from the Dot; the Pranavakshar Naad (sound) nature Jyoti-swaroop from Sound (Naad); - thus, these five are the form of Pranav.
Gayatri :- In the Chart, Jyoti-swaroop and knowledge-power Gayatri are shown together. The four Vedas (Rigved, Yajurved, Samaved, and Atharvaved) are born from Gayatri.
7. Mahattattva:
Mahattattva is considered as Adi Narayan's subtle form. Its three natures are Falsity, inertness, sorrow. It is the root cause for Ignorance. It is very expansive with the three mysteries of Adhyatma, Adhidev, Adhibhoot.
8. Seven Voids (Saat Shunya):
This is the Desire-power and causal body of Adi Narayan; and its state is considred as Deep Sleep. It has two natures 'Iha' (Maya), and 'Aniha' (Brahman). The source of countless musical notes and melodies is also considered to be here only.
9. Adi Narayan:
Adi Narayan is considered as the Causeless Causal (Mahakaran) form, and his state as Turiya, because he is beyond the14 worlds along with the Eight coverings, or grossbody (Waking state), Mahattattva, the Subtle body (Dream state), and the Seven Voids, the Causal body (Deep Sleep state). In the Scriptures he is addressed as Mahavishnu, Maha Narayan, Adi Purush, Easwar (Karyabrahma), etc.He is deemed to possess four Dispositions, Viz. Aniruddha. Vaasudev, Sankarshan, and Pradyumna. By virtue of being Avyakrit Akshar's (Akshar Brahma's Ego form) dream's form, he is also called as Kshar Purush or Kshar Brahma. The creation of all the Jivas of the 14 worlds, takes place from here only.
10. Great Void (Maha Shunya):
This great void is the form Absorption. As explained above, Countless Universes are situated in this, and during the Mahapralay they all dissolve also in this only.
Pralay (Dissolution):
The marging-back of the objects of creation into their own cause, is called Pralay. They are of 4 types, Nitya, Naimittik, Prakritik and Maha Pralay or Atyantik Pralay.
i. Nitya Pralay:
The change that take place in creation every second, is called Nitya Pralay. Daily destruction of creatures and objects in the world, is called Nitya Pralay.
ii. Naimittik Pralay:
Dissolution taking place due to a special cause, is called Naimittik Pralay. Satya, Treta, Dvapar and Kali, these 4 Yugas are called a Chaturyuga. When one thousand such Chaturyugas pass away, it is One day of Brahmaji. When the day is completed, Brahmaji absorbs 10 worlds from Patal to Svarga withtin himself and goes to Sleep. This is called Naimittik Pralay.
iii. Prakritik Pralay:
According to his time-sequence, when Brahmaji's 100 years pass away, then, along with the entire paraphernalia of his gross and subtle forms, he merges back in to his original cause; this is called Prakritik Pralay. During the Prakritik Pralay, from Patal upto Mahattattva. i.e. the entire creation of Nature, gets merged (destroyed) !
iv. Maha Pralay (Final Dissolution):
Maha Pralay is also called Atyantika Pralay. During Maha Pralay, Akshar Brahma's (Avyakrit Akshar's) entire dream creation, the complete perishable world, Sagun, Nirgun, Shunya Nirakar, Gross subtle, causal, Causeless Cause, Mahavishnu, Mahashunya and all such perishable entities merge into their Sad-Avyakrit, i.e. The entire Perishable Universal-cosmos dissolving into Akshar is itself Mahapralay.
Akshar Brahma
Now we have reached the Limitless Region, i.e. the Imperishable region. This region is within Akshar. Akshar Brahma has been considered as a Four-fold Power (Chatushpad Vibhuti). His mind is called Sat-swaroop, Intellect is Keval Brahma, Chitta is Sabalik and Ego is Avyakrit Brahma. First of all, we shall begin with Avyakrit Brahma.
11. Avyakrit Brahma:
In the Chart, from Omkar upto the Reflection of Maha Raas, the expanse of Avyakrit has been shown. This is the Ego form of Akshar Brahma. Gross, subtle, Causal and Causeless Causal arenas have been considered in this also.The Avyakrit form repeatedly enters into Maya, for the purpose of initiating creation.There is Pranava Brahma in the gross of Avyakrit, whcih is the main focal point between Inertness and Consciousness. Even Pranav Brahma is considered to be of two types 'Apar Pranav' and 'Par Pranav';
12. Sabalik Brahma:
Sabalik Brahma is the Chitta form of Akshar Brahma. In the Chart it has been shown concisely. Gross, Subtle, Causal and Causeless-causal arena have been considered in this also. Avyakrit's Causeless-Cause is deemed as the Gross of Sabalik; and in its Subtle arena is Chidananda Lahari. When She is engaged in the task of creation, she descends in the Causeless-Causal arena of Avyakrit with her paraphernalia; and becomes well-known by the name 'Sadrupa Maya', i.e. Sumangala Shakti. There is the Eternal Goloka Dham in Sabalik's Causal area and Undivided Maha Raas in its Causeless - Causal arena. In its 'Serene Consciousness' (Nirmal Chetan) Chidroop Akshar is Reflected.
13. Keval Brahma:
Keval Brahma is considered as Akshar Brahma's Intellect-form. There is Bliss and nothing but Bliss here. Because Aksharatit's form is reflected in Akshar Brahma's heart, he is called Keval Brahma.
14. Sat-Svaroop:
It is Akshar Brahma's mind-form, and is also called Causal Akshar. There are 5 locations in it : Avyakrit in the Gross, Sabalik in Subtle, Keval in Causal, Original Nature (Mool-Prakriti) in its causeless cause; and Sat-Svaroop himself in its Serene consciousness. Akshar Brahma's Surtas experienced the Bliss of Aksharatit in Satswaroop's play; at that time, those jivas in whom they had taken refuge attain liberation in Sat-Swaroop's Causeless-Cause ! In the same way the jivas whose refuge the Brahamtmas had taken in order to see this world's play; their liberation-spot is said to be in Akshar Brahma's Serene consciousness.
Uttam Purush (Aksharatit)
Now beyond this, 'Paramdham' has been Symbolised in a Circular-form. This is the Beginningless Aksharatit Dham of Poorna Brahma Paramatma. It is said to comprise twenty five wings (Pacchees Paksha). Akshar Brahma and Akshar Dham are actually within Paramdham itself. Only in order to elaborate indetail, Akshar Brahma has been shown separately. Paramdham is 'complete', with Sat, Chid, Anand, Infinite and Non-dual attributes. The beauty of Paramdham is beyond limits; all the seasons are present there at all times ! The beauty of Paramdham is described through the medium of its 25 wings. They are as follows:
Paschim Chaugaan Badovan Lahiye, Pukhrajji Jamunaji Lahiye,
Aattha Sagar Aattha Jimeeke, Ye Pacchees Paksha Shri Dham Dhanike."
1. The Supreme Abode of Sacchidananda Aksharatit Para Bhahma (with 9 storeys and tenth Terrace); and Akshar Brahma's (creator of the Universe) Akshar Dham.
2. The Reservoir Tank (Hauj Kausar Talaab)
3. Forest with groves and bowers. (Kunj-nikunj Van)
4. Mountain of Jevels (Manik Pahad)
5. The Canals of the Forests and Jewels.
6. The large open play-ground in the western direction (Paschim Ki Chaugaan)
7. Bado Van, Madhuvan, Mahavan, Taadvan.
8. The Topaz-Mountain (Pukhraj Pahard)
9. Yamunaji (with Seven Ghats)
10. The Eight Oceans (Noor, Neer, Ksheer, Dadhi, Ghrith, Madhu, Ras, Sarvaras)
11. The Eight Land-sections (Bhoomi-jimi) between the Eight Oceans.
All these together make the 25-wings of Paramdham.
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